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Deploy Nuxt with Edgio

How to deploy a Nuxt app with Edgio?

Edgio supports both static and universal (SSR) Nuxt applications.

Edgio Applications is an Internet-scale platform that makes it easy for teams to build, release, protect, and accelerate their web apps and APIs.

For detailed instructions consult Edgio's Nuxt Integration Guide

Getting Started

  1. Sign up for a free account on Edgio
  2. Install the Edgio CLI
yarn global add @edgio/cli
npm i -g @edgio/cli
  1. Update nuxt.config.* to include @edgio/nuxt/module in buildModules:
buildModules: [['@edgio/nuxt/module', { edgioSourceMaps: true }]],
  1. Run edgio init which will configure your project for Edgio

Running your project with Edgio

To test your app locally in dev mode, run the following in your project directory:

edgio dev

To test your app locally in production mode, run the following in your project directory:

edgio build && edgio run --production

Deploying To Edgio

To deploy your app, run the following in your project directory:

edgio deploy

Get Help

If you have issues please check the Troubleshooting section of the guide, or create a ticket on the Edgio Forum .

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Fri, Jan 20, 2023