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Creating a Nuxt Module

Creating a Nuxt Module

Modules are functions that are called sequentially when booting Nuxt. The framework waits for each module to finish before continuing. In this way, modules can customize almost any aspect of your project. Let's create a module that uses ngrok to get a Public URL that you can share while working in Development.

Debbie O'Brien
Create a Blog with Nuxt Content

Create a Blog with Nuxt Content

The Content module is a git files based headless CMS that provides powerful features when it comes to write blogs, documentation sites or just adding content to any regular website. In this post we will go through most of the benefits of this module and discover how we can create a blog with it.

Debbie O'Brien
Moving from @nuxtjs/dotenv to runtime config

Moving from @nuxtjs/dotenv to runtime config

In our frontend applications, we often use APIs and third-party integrations which require us to use configuration data which is usually provided by environment variables. These variables should not be exposed to the frontend as the browser environment is accessible by all visitors.

Debbie O'Brien
Going dark with Nuxt color mode

Going dark with Nuxt color mode

The @nuxtjs/color-mode module is a cool way of adding dark mode to your site. But not only does it switch from dark to light but also any color theme (eg. sepia mode). It even has auto detection so that it will choose the right mode depending on your system appearance.

Debbie O'Brien
Build a clone with Nuxt new fetch

Build a clone with Nuxt new fetch

Let’s build a blazing fast articles and tutorials app using Nuxt and the DEV API, with lazy loading, placeholders, caching and trendy neumorphic design UI.

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